12 Things You Must Leave Behind When You Move

things you should not move

When homeowners pack boxes for a move, one thing often comes to mind: How did I amass so much stuff? It can be stressful enough to move from one house to another without having to think about what to keep and what to throw away. Do not forget that moving is the ideal time to get rid of items that are no longer needed. Some items you leave behind might even be useful to the future homeowners of your old home. Before you pack a single box, make sure to pay attention to these 12 things that you should never bring when moving.

1. Mismatching Crockery Sets

Our homes also have a few mismatched sets. It makes no sense to transport an unmatched set of dishes or bowls when moving. It’s going to be challenging to pack and stack unusual sets of bowls and plates. Therefore, unless you truly need something, it is always a better idea to donate it.

2. Mugs and Inexpensive Gifts

You did indeed read it right. I’m referring to the inexpensive mugs that your neighbors gave you on your birthday or anniversary. I believe you only occasionally have a genuine need for such cheap cups. Even for daily use, you probably have a decent collection of coffee and tea mugs. Only choose your favorite gift sets or the best and most complementary pairs of mugs from your collection. Next, what? Donate the excess.

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3. Small Kitchen Appliances

You might have a variety of little kitchen appliances. Some of them have lost their luster and aged. What are the advantages of packing your old electric kettle and toaster for moving if you don’t use them? Such small kitchen utensils are obviously things you ought to leave behind. Give them to your friends or donate them to a neighborhood charitable organization.

4. Expired Food and Perishable Items

Obviously, you must not pack and carry expired food when moving. There is no need to bring the pasta from last week. Similarly, you must not pack and move perishable items. There are a lot of things that you should never pack and move, but perishable items should be at the top of your list because they will go bad if they are not eaten soon enough. If there is anything in your refrigerator or pantry that is going to expire soon, it is best to either eat it before moving day or donate it.

5. Bad Linens

You might have some less-than-perfect towels or sheets stuffed away in your linen closet, similar to the mismatched dishware. They must be eliminated. However, you can wrap furniture pieces for your relocation using old towels, sheets, and curtains.

6. Cleaning Supplies

Cleaning supplies and dangerous chemicals are often not transported by movers and packers. Therefore, it is wise to dispose of them or use them in advance. Sponge, broom, and brush can all be packed and moved, though. Of course, you also need to throw away the toilet bowl brush. Get rid of it and replace it in your new home.

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7. Whatever has spent too much time in storage

Donate anything that has been sitting in your storage unit for more than a year, such as unused Christmas decorations or outdated sporting gear. Save yourself the trouble of relocating it by just finding a location to store it, much like with abandoned kitchen appliances.

8. Leftover Paint

Are there any paint cans left over from the remodeling last summer? Do not load them onto the moving truck, please. When moving, there will definitely be scratches and scuffs, so the new residents will enjoy having the right paint colors on hand to fix them. Put the cans in a place where the homeowners can easily find them and where the temperature doesn’t change much.

9. Old Curtains

Do not draw the curtains when leaving your current home. Let them be fixed to the doors and windows. The coverings, which most likely won’t suit your new home anyway, will be gratefully received by the occupants.

10. Light Fixtures

Buyers anticipate that attached items, such as light fixtures, will stay with the property. Before signing the sales contract, let the real estate agent know if you want to remove a light fixture and replace it with another one. Leave light bulbs behind as well, so the next owners won’t be left in the dark. (Also, transporting bulbs safely is challenging.)

11. Old Clothing

You’re probably going to uncover deformed T-shirts and jeans that do not fit you in the back of your wardrobe. Donate clothing you haven’t worn in a long time to friends, family, or your neighborhood thrift shop instead of carrying it with you.

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12. Houseplants

It is not a good idea to move houseplants from one location to another. Your beloved houseplants may perish if you relocate to a different city. If you are relocating a short distance, it seems sensible to find new homes for your houseplants. Extreme temperature swings, a shortage of water, and stop-and-go movements are just a few of the less-than-ideal conditions in a moving vehicle that might cause them harm or even death. Therefore, consider giving your money plant or spider plant to a devoted neighbor.

Summing Up

Moving can be a stressful and overwhelming process, especially when it comes to deciding what to keep and what to leave behind. Even if it is difficult to part with items, it is important to remember that it is the ideal time to get rid of items that no longer serve a purpose. This blog post has highlighted 12 key items that homeowners should avoid bringing with them when moving, such as mismatched crockery sets, inexpensive mugs and gifts, and small kitchen appliances. By leaving these items behind, homeowners can save themselves from having to unpack and store them at the new home. Moving is an exciting opportunity to start anew, and by following these tips, homeowners can make the transition smoother and less stressful.


A copywriter, blogger, content strategist by profession, and an information junkie by heart. I have a penchant for reading, researching, writing, and anything related to creating persuasive content. For me, writing is something that ignites my creativity and helps in keeping me on cloud nine. I have been working in the content writing domain since 2006. Be it blogging or copywriting, I create better content that fuels conversations and skyrockets search traffic.

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