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Ever Green Pest Control and Allied Services --/5
Based on 0 Review(s).
Yelahanka, Bangalore - 560063
Open Now: 24 Hrs
Nature of Business: Service Provider
Company Overview
Hired on MS: 42 Times
No of employees: 20
Servicable City: Bangalore
Payment Mode: Cash, Bank Transfer
Services offered
Cockroach Control, Commercial Pest Control, Lizard Control, Rat Control, Bedbug Treatment, Residential Pest Control, General Pest Control
About Company
Are you searching for the best pest controller? If yes, be happy. Your search has been over. You have already found the most effective pest exterminator—Ever Green. Ever Green Pest Control and Allied Services offers all sorts of pest control services. Pests must have infested your structures and thereby you must have been worried about your health issues. But now you will not have to worry. Ever Green will remove all the pests from the infested sites. And it is not just that, but afterwards, there will not manifest any side effects as well. We offer effective pest control services. And pay attention to possible side effects as well. Furthermore, we are a legitimate pest controller. We have all the licences required to operate in the marketplace. The option of customisation is also available with us. Get services as per your requirements. Ever Green only offers affordable services. Our services are way cheaper than any other service provider.
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