Feng Shui Lucky Dates for Moving into New House: Are you planning to move into your dream home soon? Moving is one of the most important events to apply feng shui to your new home. According to Feng Shui, it creates a place of peace, clarity, and happiness. In this article, you will know what are the lucky dates for moving into a new house in 2022, according to feng shui. Also, you will learn some beneficial feng shui tips for house moving.
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Feng Shui and Its Importance
Feng Shui, also called Chinese Geomancy, is an ancient traditional practice that took birth almost 3,000 years back in China. It is claimed that it uses energy forces to harmonize individuals with their surrounding environment. The term feng shui literally means wind-water. Feng means wind and Shui means water. The goal of feng shui as practiced today is to bring good health and good fortune in different forms like fulfilling love life, prosperous carrier, and perfect health.
Dating back to 6,000 years, there are many practices in this art that have elements of philosophy, astrology, astronomy, and physics. However, feng shui must be done right because bad feng shui can bring in a bad omen.
Since it is about the placement of your body and the objects around you. It teaches you to place every product in a manner that reflects only positive energy and creates a balance in the different areas of life. Whether it is your office or home, feng shui when done right can attract more wealth and happiness.
House Moving Feng Shui
Nothing can be more exciting than moving into your new house this New Year 2022. A New Year brings in new beginnings and golden gateways to a better life. So, how about pep up your home with a little Feng Shui to invite good fortune?
There are many things that you need to consider when moving into a new house. People often consider relocation works like packing, loading, transporting, unloading, and unpacking. But what about moving house feng shui? If you are planning to move, then you might want to have your new home blessed with good fortune and prosperity.
Hence, you must consider using feng shui practices in your new home. If you use feng shui for house moving, you will cherish a positive and harmonious experience.
Here are some feng shui tips for moving house.
- Select the right date and time to move into your new home with the Feng Shui Almanac.
- Buy a gift for your new home. This will serve as a loving token for your house. Make sure this is the first item to enter your new home.
- Get rid of junk and broken items. According to feng shui, moving with junk and broken items bring bad luck to a new home.
- Clean and prepare your new home before you enter. It is crucial to let clean air, energy, and fresh air to be able to flow through the front door.
- Decorate your new home with feng shui objects.
- Take a small meal such as tea and cookies. This symbolizes the new lifestyle you’ve chosen to live.
In a nutshell, a well-feng shui house is filled with a pure, clean flow of energy and good vibes. So, make sure to use feng shui tips when moving house.
Lucky Dates for House Moving in 2022 According to Feng Shui
To move into a new house, you need to choose the luckiest day for it. It’s good to move on to the “Cheng Day”, which means the day accomplished in everything. The luckiest feng shui days for moving include San He Day (a triple harmony day), Horse Day (the 6th day of a lunar month), and Ecliptic Day (a day good for everything).
Since the Chinese almanac does a perfect calculation of the dates and days, you must not overlook the importance of moving on the right date. If it advises you some of the days when you should not move then you got to take it seriously. Overlooking any of it can bring negative energy, conflict, and other bad events.
Rest, you can check out the table below to know about the good days of moving in the new house according to each month in the year 2022.
Feng Shui Lucky Dates for House Moving in January 2022
Date | Days for the Week | Clash Zodiac Sign | Evil Direction |
5 January | Wednesday | Rat | North |
13 January | Thursday | Monkey | North |
16 January | Sunday | Pig | East |
25 January | Tuesday | Monkey | North |
29 January | Saturday | Rat | North |
31 January | Monday | Tiger | South |
Best Dates for House Moving in February 2022 According to Feng Shui
Date | Days for the Week | Clash Zodiac Sign | Evil Direction |
3 February | Thursday | Snake | West |
11 February | Friday | Ox | West |
19 February | Saturday | Rooster | West |
23 February | Wednesday | Ox | West |
25 February | Friday | Rabbit | East |
27 February | Sunday | Snake | West |
Lucky Dates for House Moving in March 2022 Based on Feng Shui
Date | Days for the Week | Clash Zodiac Sign | Evil Direction |
3 March | Thursday | Rooster | West |
7 March | Monday | Ox | West |
13 March | Sunday | Sheep | East |
22 March | Tuesday | Dragon | North |
23 March | Wednesday | Snake | West |
31 March | Thursday | Ox | West |
Feng Shui Based Lucky Dates for House Moving in April 2022
Date | Days for the Week | Clash Zodiac Sign | Evil Direction |
1 April | Friday | Tiger | South |
3 April | Sunday | Dragon | North |
4 April | Monday | Snake | West |
10 April | Sunday | Pig | East |
14 April | Thursday | Rabbit | East |
19 April | Tuesday | Monkey | North |
22 April | Friday | Pig | East |
Favorable Dates for House Moving in May 2022
Date | Days for the Week | Clash Zodiac Sign | Evil Direction |
1 May | Sunday | Monkey | North |
5 May | Thursday | Rat | North |
8 May | Sunday | Rabbit | East |
9 May | Monday | Dragon | North |
11 May | Wednesday | Horse | South |
13 May | Friday | Monkey | North |
15 May | Sunday | Dog | South |
20 May | Friday | Rabbit | East |
23 May | Monday | Horse | South |
27 May | Friday | Dog | South |
Propitious Dates for House Moving in June 2022 According to Feng Shui
Date | Days for the Week | Clash Zodiac Sign | Evil Direction |
1 June | Wednesday | Rabbit | East |
4 June | Saturday | Horse | South |
8 June | Wednesday | Dog | South |
9 June | Thursday | Pig | East |
12 June | Sunday | Tiger | South |
14 June | Tuesday | Dragon | North |
15 June | Wednesday | Snake | West |
20 June | Monday | Dog | South |
23 June | Thursday | Ox | West |
24 June | Friday | Tiger | South |
26 June | Sunday | Dragon | North |
27 June | Monday | Snake | West |
Feng Shui Lucky Dates for House Moving in July 2022
Date | Days for the Week | Clash Zodiac Sign | Evil Direction |
5 July | Tuesday | Ox | West |
6 July | Wednesday | Tiger | South |
12 July | Tuesday | Monkey | North |
13 July | Wednesday | Rooster | West |
15 July | Friday | Pig | East |
17 July | Sunday | Ox | West |
21 July | Thursday | Snake | West |
24 July | Sunday | Monkey | North |
25 July | Monday | Rooster | West |
30 July | Saturday | Tiger | South |
Best Dates for House Moving in August 2022
Date | Days for the Week | Clash Zodiac Sign | Evil Direction |
6 August | Saturday | Rooster | West |
8 August | Monday | Pig | East |
10 August | Wednesday | Ox | West |
13 August | Saturday | Dragon | North |
15 August | Monday | Horse | South |
18 August | Thursday | Rooster | West |
19 August | Friday | Dog | South |
22 August | Monday | Ox | West |
23 August | Tuesday | Tiger | South |
31 August | Wednesday | Dog | South |
Favorable Dates for House Moving in September 2022
Date | Days for the Week | Clash Zodiac Sign | Evil Direction |
1 September | Thursday | Pig | East |
6 September | Tuesday | Dragon | North |
16 September | Friday | Tiger | South |
21 September | Wednesday | Sheep | East |
24 September | Saturday | Dog | South |
28 September | Wednesday | Tiger | South |
Favorable Feng Shui Dates for House Moving in October 2022
Date | Days for the Week | Clash Zodiac Sign | Evil Direction |
1 October | Saturday | Snake | West |
3 October | Monday | Sheep | East |
6 October | Thursday | Dog | South |
8 October | Saturday | Rat | North |
17 October | Monday | Rooster | West |
20 October | Thursday | Rat | North |
24 October | Monday | Dragon | North |
25 October | Tuesday | Snake | West |
Feng Shui Lucky Dates for House Moving in November 2022
Date | Days for the Week | Clash Zodiac Sign | Evil Direction |
1 November | Tuesday | Rat | North |
3 November | Thursday | Tiger | South |
5 November | Saturday | Dragon | North |
9 November | Wednesday | Monkey | North |
10 November | Thursday | Rooster | West |
13 November | Sunday | Rat | North |
19 November | Saturday | Horse | South |
21 November | Monday | Monkey | North |
22 November | Tuesday | Rooster | West |
25 November | Friday | Rat | North |
Propitious Feng Shui Dates for House Moving in December 2022
Date | Days for the Week | Clash Zodiac Sign | Evil Direction |
1 December | Thursday | Horse | South |
3 December | Saturday | Monkey | North |
4 December | Sunday | Rooster | West |
8 December | Thursday | Ox | West |
9 December | Friday | Tiger | South |
18 December | Sunday | Pig | East |
26 December | Monday | Sheep | East |
For the auspicious dates for moving into a new home (according to Hindu Calendar) or Griha Pravesh Shubh Muhurats, please check our latest articles:
Winding Up
Moving from an old house to a new house will offer you an opportunity to start your life from a scratch. You cannot change the past but can always build the future the way you wish to. Your entrance in the new house should culminate all the bad habits and you should be willing to embrace the new habits for a calmer mind, body & soul. Paying heed to the Feng Shui tips and choosing the lucky day for moving can bring in more joys and happiness to your new journey of life.
Thus, move with trust with the professional & reputed packers and movers of the moving industry to live the life of your dreams. Don’t forget to bake a delicious dessert in the new house to add sweetness to the life! Happy New Year! 🙂