Pune to Bangalore Distance by Road, Train, and Air with Travel Time


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Pune to Bangalore Distance: You must have an idea about Pune to Bangalore distance if you are moving home from Pune to Bangalore. It is important to know the distance between Pune to Bangalore because the cost of your move will be largely affected on the basis of distance. Professional packers and movers from Pune to Bangalore will decide the cost of your move depending upon the Pune to Bangalore road distance.

You will also need to know Pune to Bangalore distance because you will need to make travel arrangements for yourself and your family members. The distance will vary depending upon the mode of travel you opt for. There are three modes of travel you can choose for reaching Bangalore from Pune – by road (bus or car), by air (flight), or by train.

What is the distance from Pune to Bangalore by road (bus or car)?

Pune to Bangalore Distance by Road: 841 km

Pune to Bangalore distance will vary depending upon the mode of travel you opt for. If you are traveling by bus or car then you need to know the Pune to Bangalore distance by road. The distance from Pune to Bangalore by road is approximately 841 kms via AH 47 and NH 48. It will take the time of approximately 14 hours and 7 minutes.

If you are traveling via NH 50 then again the Pune to Bangalore distance is approximately 841 kms. On this route, your travel time will be 16 hours and 17 minutes.

If you choose the route of Pune – Solapur Road / Solapur – Pune Highway and NH 44 then the distance from Pune to Bangalore by bus is 950 kms. This route will take your time of 18 hours and 11 minutes.

Depending upon three different routes, Pune to Bangalore bus distance and time will vary. Pune to Bangalore distance by car or Pune to Bangalore car distance also will be the same as Pune to Bangalore distance by bus. If we talk about the fastest travel route then Pune to Bangalore road distance in kms is 841 kms.

What is the distance from Pune to Bangalore by train?

Pune to Bangalore Distance by Train: 905 kms

If you choose the train to travel from Pune to Bangalore, then the distance will be different than the distance by road (bus or car). The distance between Pune to Bangalore by train is 905 kms. Generally, a train from Pune to Bangalore will take the time of 17 hours and 33 minutes.

I hope this information on the distance between Pune to Bangalore via train will help you a lot when you plan your Pune to Bangalore travel by train. Pune and Bangalore are well-connected via direct trains. Vivek Express, Trivandrum Express, Coimbatore Express, Ypr S Kranti Express, and Nagercoil Express are some trains that connect Pune to Bangalore directly.

What is Pune to Bangalore distance by flight (air)?

Pune to Bangalore Aerial Distance: 734 kms

So you want to know the distance between Pune to Bangalore by flight. In fact, you are looking to know the aerial distance between Pune to Bangalore. Well, Pune to Bangalore flight distance is 734 kms. There is the direct connectivity of flights from Pune to Bangalore. I hope this information on the distance from Pune to Bangalore by air will help you significantly. If you are looking for Pune to Bangalore flight distance-time then it will be 1 hour and 15 minutes.

  • The nearest airport in Pune is Pune International Airport.
  • The nearest airport in Bangalore is Kempegowda International Airport Bengaluru.

Pune to Bangalore Distance at a Glance

  • Distance between Pune to Bangalore by road: 841 kms
  • Pune to Bangalore distance by air (flight): 734 kms
  • Pune to Bangalore distance by train: 905 kms

Pune to Bangalore Travel Time at a Glance

  • Pune to Bangalore travel time by road (car or bus): 14 hours and 7 minutes
  • Pune to Bangalore travel time by train: 17 hours and 33 minutes
  • Pune to Bangalore travel time by air (flight): 1 hour and 15 minutes

How to Plan Travel from Pune to Bangalore

You can plan your travel from Pune to Bangalore through popular travel websites like Makemytrip.com, Yatra.com, Cleartrip.com, Goibibo.com, and Redbus.in. There are several other travel portals that may help you plan your travel from Pune to Bangalore.

Concluding Now…

I hope this distance guide will make your life a lot easier when planning to move home from Pune to Bangalore and travel to Bangalore to Pune with your family. I have tried my best to provide you the authentic information on Pune to Bangalore distance by air, by road (car & bus), and by train.

It is advisable that you should plan your travel earlier to avoid last minutes hassles. Whatever mode of travel you choose, you should book your travel ticket well in advance. In the last minutes, you may find yourself in troubled water because tickets may be already booked. In fact, you should plan your travel at the time of planning your move from Pune to Bangalore.

Hiring a reputable company of professional packers and movers from Pune to Bangalore will make your move a whole lot easier, safe, and hassle-free. So, consider hiring the best company of professional movers and packers for your upcoming move from Pune to Bangalore. Happy shifting and happy journey in advance.

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